
The business enterprise has begun its journey in September Year 2000 with the vision to contribute to the development of animal agriculture, plant agriculture and aquaculture sectors in Bangladesh and also be a reputed global company. Since beginning we developed a business philosophy not just to sell conventional commodities, rather preach concept of unconventional research based farm solutions, which will contribute to the consistent improvements to our agriculture farming and thereby contribute to the sustainable growth of the economy. In order to organize our work in the integrated agro sector we have the following companies under our group operation;

Name Of Company: Eon Group of Companies

Our Vision : Be the Leader in Quality and Commitment

Concerns of Eon Group

Eon Animal Health Products Limited

Eon Agro Industries Limited

Eon Pharmaceuticals Limited

Euro Feeds Limited

Excel Feeds Limited

Provati Hatchery Limited

Eon InfoSys Technology Limited

Eon Poultry & Fishery Complex

Eon Bio Science Limited

Eon Trading House

Progressive Pest Management

Adhunik Krishi Khamar (agriculture magazine)

Borak Foundation (CSR Entity)

Nurul Iman Foundation (CSR Entity)

Eon Bio Science Limited

Eon Bio Science Limited

We are a leading animal health company in Bangladesh. We have rich and wide product portfolio in various segments like nutritional and non-nutritional feed additive/supplement, water-soluble nutrition, bio-security, therapeutic drugs and vaccines.

We have manufacturing plant for veterinary pharmaceuticals, premix and nutritional supplements. We also have excellent Global Partners, which allowed us to build a state-of-the-art product range for animal agriculture. Our products and solutions are for all segments of animal industry such as poultry, cattle, dairy, fish and shrimp.

We have animal feed industry in two strategic locations of the country in Mymenshing and Chittagong. The 3rd factory is planned to be open in 2013 in Northern part of the country. We are producing feed for poultry, fish, cattle and dairy.

We have a great range of product for crop protection. Our crop solution covers control of plant diseases, insects, unwanted weeds and micronutrients and trace elements. We also have a good range of seeds for rice, maize and various types of vegetables

We have horticulture project ourselves for rice seed, papaya, mango, exotic vegetable and hybrid melons in various locations of the country.

We have commercial layer and broiler farms producing high quality eggs and chicken meat. Currently we are developing “designer eggs” for the up scale customers and also green broiler chicken. We are developing our breeder farms in various locations of the country, which will come in production from 2013.

We are very closely working with several aquaculture farms tilapia, panhuish and shrimps. Our Tilapia Hatchery is under construction and expected to come in production in next season in 2013.

We produce number of HYV rice seeds by ourselves and also through contact growers in various locations of the country. We are partner with Monsento for their Maize which has earned as one of the leading quality brand in the country. We are currently having several vegetable seeds under test and trial will be made available for the farmer soon.

Eon Pharmaceuticals Limited is dedicated to manufacture and distribute therapeutic drugs for all species of poultry, cattle, fishery and pet animals

EON Infosys Technology is leading provider of integrated business, technology and process solutions on a global delivery platform. EON Infosys Technology helps people quickly view and explore the full scope of enterprise and Web-based information available for better-informed decision-making.

We care about the health, hygiene and the environment of our people. Bangladesh is densely populated, hence posses threat to health and hygiene of the citizens. We have great range of environment friendly solution to contain health, hygiene and environment by management of sanitation, disinfection, pests, rodents and eco-balance of micro organisms.

We are developing a wide range of food and consumer care products to be distributed via super market chain throughout the country. Our main objective is to ensure the quality and safety of the food products. We would like to be a leading supplier of fresh farm produced under a reliable brand.

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Adunik Krishi Khamar

Adunik Krishi Khamar is a agricultural magazine published by Eon Group for the benefit of all the stake holders of both animal and plant agriculture in Bangladesh. It is distributed through out the country and published in each quarter